Center for Social Data Structuring

Center for Social Data Structuring

Collection and Utilization of Social Survey Data, Official Micro-Data and Social Big Data

Center for Social Data Structuring developes methodologies for organizing social survey data, officila micro-data and social big data to promote empirical study to solve various social problems by providing it for a wide range of uses. The goal is to develop a research foundation for realizing policy-making based on emprical data.

This center will promote the following three projects.

1) Social research related project
  Data collection through nationwide joint research network formation and maintenance and disclosure of social survey data
  Cross National Comparative Survey

2) Official micro-data related project
  Development of a shared system of official statistical data, research and development of online data analysis system, and onsite analysis room

3) Social Big Data related project
  Development of real-time social change prediction system, and training of big data experts

In these projects, we aim to contribute to the development of humanities and social sciences based on empirical data, as well as to policy making, by providing a forum for collaborative research with relevant organizations and researchers at home and abroad.

In the beginning, we will devote ourselves to origanizing existing data, and then we will utilize those data in a joint research with domestic and overseas researchers. On the other hand, we will promote related new information gathering and aim to establish a practical and efficient system of these activities. At a further advanced stage, we will proceed with research using complementary utilization of the data archive of the above-mentioned 3 projects.

In addition, while solving problems related to privacy, we aim to establish a system of disclosure of various data. These also strongly depend on the nature of the data of each project and the structure in the corresponding society and academic field, and it is assumed that the stance of the three projects will not be totally independent, but complementary. We will endeavor to encourage the development of each by cooperation.


Tadahiko Maeda (Director) *1
 Kiyohisa Shibai
 Naoko Kato-Nitta
 Yasuhiro Tanaka
 Tadahshi Nakanishi

The Institute of Statistical Mathmatics *1
 Satoshi Yamashita (Joint appointment)
 Kazuhiro Minami (Joint appointment)

National Institute of Informatics *2
 Isao Echizen (Joint appointment)