
第1期 平成17年度 業績一覧


1. Abe Takashi, Hideaki Sugawara, Shigehiko Kanaya, Makoto Kinouchi, Yasaburo Matsuura, Heizo Tokutaka and Toshimichi Ikemura (2005). “A large-scale Self-Organizing Map (SOM) constructed with the Earth Simulator unveils sequence characteris characteristics of a wide range of eukaryotic genomes”, Proceedings of Workshop 2005 on Self-Organizing Maps, pp. 187-194, pp.187-194.
2. Abe,Takashi, Toshimichi Ikemura, Shigehiko Kanaya, Makoto Kinouchi, and Hideaki Sugawara (2005). “A novel bioinformatics strategy for phylogenetic study of genomic sequence fragments: self-organizing map (SOM) of oligonucl oligonucleotide frequencies”, Proceedings of Workshop 2005 on Self-Organizing Maps, pp. 669-676.
3. Abe,Takashi, Hideaki Sugawara, Makoto Kinouchi, Shigehiko Kanaya, Toshimichi Ikemura (2005). “Novel Phylogenetic Studies of Genomic Sequence Fragments Derived from Uncultured Microbe Mixtures in Environmental and Clinical Samples”, DNA research, 12, 281-290.
4.Aizen, V. B. , Aizen, E. M. , Joswiak, D.R. , Fujita, K., Takeuchi, N. and Nikitin, S. A. (2006). Climatic and atmospheric Circulation Pattern Variability from Ice-core isotope/geochemistry Records (Altai, Tien Shan and Tibet), Annals of Glaciology, 43, 49-60.
5.Aizen, V. B., Aizen E. M., Fujita, K., Nikitin, S. A., Kreutz, K. J., Takeuchi, N. (2005) . Stable-isotope time series and precipitation origin from firn cores and snow samples, Altai glaciers, Siberia. Journal of Glaciology, 51(175), 637-654..
6.Fujita, K., Thompson, L. G., Kajikawa, Y., Ageta, Y., Yasunari, T., Sakai, A., and Takeuchi, N. (2006). Thirty-year history of glacier melting in the Nepal Himalayas. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111,D03109, doi:10.1029/2005JD005894.
7. Hayashi, Hidenori, Takashi Abe, Mitsuo Sakamoto, Hiroki Ohara, Toshimichi Ikemura, Kazuo Sakka and Yoshimi Benno (2005). “Direct cloning of genes encoding novel xylanases from human gut”, Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 51, 251-259.
8. 伊村智, 工藤栄(2006). 昭和基地周辺の南極湖沼における潜水調査報告. 南極資料. 50(1), 103-113.
9. 伊村智(2005). 南極の湖沼の謎に挑む. 極地, 41(2), 10-15.
10. Matsumoto, G.I., Komori, K., Enomoto, A., Imura, S., Takemura, T., Ohyama, Y., Kanda, H. (2006). Environmental changes in Syowa Station area of Antarctic during the last 2300years inferred from organic components in lake sediment cores. Polar Bioscience, 19, 51-62.
11. Miyake, T., Nakazawa, F., Sakugawa, H., Takeuchi, N., Fujita, K., Ohta, K., Nakawo, M.(2006) .Concentrations and source variations of n-alkanes in a 21-m ice core and snow samples at
Belukha Glacier, Russian Altai Mountains, Annals of Glaciology, 43, 142-147.
12. Naganuma T, Hua PN, Okamoto T, Ban S, Imura S & Kanda H (2005). Depth distribution of euryhaline halophilic bacteria in Suribati Ike, a meromictic lake in East Antarctica. Polar Biology,28(12): 964-970.
13. NaganumaT&WilmotteA(2006).Microbiologicalandecologicalresponsestoglobalenvironmental changes in Polar regions (MERGE): An international polay year (IPY) activity. The 13th
International Symposium on Polar Sciences, 9-11 May 2006, Incheon, Korea. Proceedings, p. 21-24.
14. Nakazawa, F., Fujtia, K., Takeuchi, N., Fujiki, T., Uetake, J., Aizen, V., and Nakawo, M. (2005). Dating of Seasonal snow/firn accumulation layers using pollen analysis. Journal of Glaciology,51(174) , 483-490.
15. Takano,Y. H. Mori, T. Kaneko, Y. Ishikawa, K. Marumo, and K. Kobayashi (2006). Phosphatase and microbial activity with biochemical indicators in semi-permafrost active layer sediments over the past 10,000 years. Applied Geochemistry, 21, 48-57.
16. Takano, YK. Kobayashi, Y. Ishikawa and K. Marumo (2006). Emergence of the inflection point on the racemization rate constant of D- and L- amino acids in the early stage of terrestrial diagenesis. Organic Geochemistry, 37, 334-341.
17. 高野淑識(2005). 地球物質中の易分解性有機物と初期高分子化反応 (Labile organic matter and initial polymerization process in geochemical materials.).海洋,37 (12), 858-865.
18. Takeuchi, N., Matsuda, Y., Sakai, A. and Fujita, K. (2005). A large amount of biogenic surface dust (cryoconite) on a glacier in the Qilian Mountains, China. Bulletin of Glaciological Research, 22, 1-8.
19. 山岸明彦(2005). 海底熱水系地下微生物圏。海の研究 14:319-326. 20. Uchiyama, Taku, Takashi Abe, Toshimichi Ikemura, Kazuya Watanabe (2005).“Substrate-induced gene-expression screening of environmental metagenome libraries for isolation of catabolic genes”, Nature Biotechnology, 1, 88-93.

1. Abe Takashi, Ikemura Toshimichi, Kozuki Tokio, Nakagawa Satoshi, Kinouchi Makoto, Shigehiko Shigehiko Kanaya and Sugawara Hideaki, “A novel bioinformatics approach for phylogenetics analyses of environmental and clinical samples on the basis of Self-Organizing Map (SOM)”, Human Genome Meeting 2005 (Kyoto, Japan), April 2005.
2. Abe Takashi, Ikemura, Toshimichi Kanaya Shigehiko, Kinouchi Makoto, Sugawara Hideaki:A novel bioinformatics strategy for phylogenetic study of genomic sequence fragments, Self-Organizing Map (SOM) of oligonucleotide frequencies. Workshop 2005 on Self-Organizing Maps (Paris, France), Sept., 2005.
3. Abe Takashi, Sugawara Hideaki, Kinouchi Makoto, Kanaya Shigehiko, Matsuura Yasaburo, Heizo Tokutaka, and Ikemura Toshimichi: A large-scale Self-Organizing Map (SOM) constructed with the Earth Simulator unveils sequence characteristics of a wide range of eukaryotic genomes. Workshop 2005 on Self-Organizing Maps (Paris, France), Sept., 2005
4. Abe Takashi, Sugawara Hideaki, and Ikemura Toshimichi: Phylogenetic classification of environmental and clinical samples without orthologous sequence sets and sequence alignment on the basis of Self-Organizing Map (SOM). 2006 Sokendai International Symposium (Hayama,Japan), Jan., 2006.
5. 阿部貴志, 池村淑道, 金谷重彦, 木ノ内誠, 菅原秀明, “自己組織化地図法(Self-Organizing Map)に基づいた環境由来 DNA 配列からの微生物多様性解明”, 日本微生物資源学会第 12 回大会(かずさ), 2005 年 6月.
6. 阿部貴志、池村淑道、木ノ内誠、金谷重彦、菅原秀明, ”環境由来 DNA 配列を用いた自己組織化地図法(Self-Organizing Map)による培養困難な微生物群の系統推定手法の開発”, 第 28 回日本分子生物学会年会(博多), 2005 年 12 月.
7. 阿部貴志、池村淑道、田中尚人、金谷重彦、木ノ内誠、菅原秀明、”環境由来 DNA 配列を用いた自己組織化地図法(Self-Organizing Map: SOM)による微生物群集比較”, 第 8 回微生物ゲノム研究のフロンティア(かずさ) 2006 年 3 月
8. Hua P, Naganuma T, Imura S & Kanda H (2006) Euryhaline halophiles in a saline lake near Syowa Station, Antarctica. International Conference on Alpine and Polar Microbiology, 27-31 March 2006, Innsbruck, Austria.
9. Kato Singo, Ishibashi J.,. Sunamura M, Utsumi M., Kakegawa T., Kawarabayashi Y., Chiura, H. Marumo K., Urabe T. andYamagishi A.: Microbial community in the hydrothermal systems at south Mariana Trough. International Symposium on Extremophiles and Their Applications. 2005. 11.29-12.2 (Tokyo)
10. 加藤真悟、石橋純一郎、砂村倫成、掛川武、内海真生、河原林裕、千浦博、丸茂克美、浦辺徹朗、山岸 明彦。南部マリアナトラフにおける海底熱水系地下圏の微生物相の解析。ブルーアース‘06, 2006 年 2 月 23-24 日、(横浜)
11. 加藤真悟、内海真生、河原林裕、千浦博、石橋純一郎、丸茂克美、浦辺徹郎、山岸明彦。千葉南部マリ アナトラフにおける海底熱水系微生物相の解析。地球惑星科学関連学会 2005 年合同大会。2005 年 5 月 22-26 日、(千葉) .
12. 加藤真悟、石橋純一郎、砂村倫成、内海真生、河原林裕、千浦博、丸茂克美、浦辺徹郎、小林智織、加 藤真悟、掛川武、佐藤誠悟、益田晴恵、丸茂克美、浦辺徹朗、山岸明彦。南部マリアナトラフにおける 熱水生堆積物の微生物相の解析。ブルーアース‘06, 2006 年 2 月 23-24 日、(横浜).
13. Kohshima S., Y.Yoshimura, N.Takeuchi, T. Segawa and J. Uetake, Characteristics of Glacier Ecosystems and Glaciological Importance of Glacier    Microorganisms, International Conference on Alpine and Polar Microbiology at Innsbruck, Austria, 27-31 March, 2006.
14. Naganuma T & Wilmotte A (2006) Microbiological and ecological responses to global environmental changes in Polar regions (MERGE): An international polay year (IPY) activity. The 13th International Symposium on Polar Sciences, 9-11 May 2006, Incheon, Korea.
15. Naganuma T (2006) Molecular and physiological characterization of euryhaline halophilic microorganisms from Antarctic saline habitats. Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environments (SALE) in the International Polar Year (IPY), Advanced Science and Technology Planning Workshop, 24-26 April 2006, Grenoble, France.
16. Naganuma T, Ban S & Imura S (2005) Euryhaline halophiles from the meromictic lake, Suribati Ike, Antarctica. The 28th Symposium on Polar Biology, 8-9 December 2004, National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, Japan.
17. Nishikawa Y, Naganuma T, Imura S & Kanda H (2005) Peptide D-amino acids in microorganisms isolated from Antarctic lacustrine samples. The 28th Symposium on Polar Biology, 8-9 December 2005, National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, Japan.
18. Segawa, T., Takeuchi, N. and Kohshima S., Altitudinal change in bacterial flora on the Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, analyzed by 16S rRNA gene. International Conference on Alpine and Polar Microbiology at Innsbruck, Austria, 27-31, March, 2006.
19. Segawa, T., Takeuchi, N. and Kohshima S., Altitudinal change in bacterial flora on the Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, analyzed by 16S rRNA gene. International Glaciological Society, Symposium on High-Elevation Glaciers and Climate Records, Lanzhou, China, 5–9 September 2005.
20. Takeuchi, N., Uetake, J., Fujita, K., Aizen, V., and Nikitin, S., A snow algal community on the Akkem Glacier in the Altai Mountains, Russia, International Glaciological Society, International Symposium on High-Elevation Glaciers and Climate Records, Lanzhou, China,5–9 September 2005.
21. 植竹淳、幸島司郎、中澤文男、瀬川高弘、三宅隆之、吉村義隆、成田英器、藤田耕二、竹内望、中尾正義:アルタイ山脈・ベルーハ氷河での微生物アイスコア解析による古環境復元、日本雪氷学会全国大会、秋田、2006.1.17.
22. Uetake J., S.Kohshima, F.Nakazawa, N Takeuchi, K Fujita, Y.Fujii, M Nakawo, Biological ice core analysis in the Belukha Glacier, Altai mountains, Russia, International Conference on Alpine and Polar Microbiology at Innsbruck, Austria, 27-31 March, 2006.
23. Uetake J., S.Kohshima, F.Nakazawa, N Takeuchi, K Fujita, Y.Fujii, M Nakawo, Biological ice core analysis in the Belukha Glacier, Altai mountains, Russia, International Glaciological Society, Symposium on High-Elevation Glaciers and Climate Records, Lanzhou, China, 5–9 September 2005.
24. 山岸明彦。南部マリアナトフにおける海底 熱水系地下圏の微生物。第 28 回日本分子生物学会年会、 2005 年 12 月 7-10 日、(福岡)
25. Yamagishi, A. (Invited Lecture) Extermophiles: The keys to astrobiology. PACIFICHEM2005(2005 環太平洋国際化学会議), 2005, 12.15-20, Hawaii, USA
26. Yoshimura, Y., Kohshima, S., Takeuchi, N., Seko, K. and Fujita, K., Snow algae in a Himalayan ice core: new environmental markers for ice core analyses and their correlation with summer mass balance. International Glaciological Society, Symposium on High-Elevation Glaciers and Climate Records, Lanzhou, China, 5–9 S September 2005.
