12 – 15 November 2018 Citizens Cultural Hall, Mishima, Shizuoka, Japan
・Extended Abstracts Booklet_dsws_2018 ・program_dsws_2018 ・circular_dsws_2018 ・NIG_tour_dsws_2018 ・poster_dsws_2018 ・Guidelines for Extended Abstracts
The Workshop will focus on recent topics of interest in the field of scientific data, which are attributed to play a crucial role in accelerating "Open Science" and "Open Data" globally. Contributions from all scientific disciplines are welcome, including life and bio-science, social and human science, as well as polar science. Inter-disciplinary orientated topics on data management are especially encouraged.
A wide range of presentations will be given on topics of effective scientific data management spanning across the entire spectrum of data management - planning and policy, submission of primary and metadata, data sharing for facilitation of inter-disciplinary science, long-term preservation and stewardship with global and social perspectives.
Topics on industry-academia collaboration, education and capability building on data sciences, promoting "Open Science" via feedback to the public and archiving are also encouraged. Contributors will report on successes and challenges recently encountered, best practices and experiences learned and what is yet be done to ensure that we leave a data legacy. Fruitful discussions on data legacy and historical data issues for all branches of science are expected to give a new proxy for addressing data management issues and to achieve inter-disciplinary science linkages.
It is expected that this workshop will lead to mutual understanding of various aspects of data by different stakeholders and it will open new paths for pursuing activities in different fields of science. The activities are expected to play a central role in the promotion of inter-disciplinary sciences and new collaborative research paths based on multi-disciplinary data and directly contribute to global data activities based on the facilities provided by the "Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research (DS)" of "Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS)".
International data activity: Various data-related aspects of accreditation schemes and their benefits, positives and negatives of current approaches of individual international initiatives, centers and networks, related data management planning, data policy, etc. National data activity: Various data-related aspects of accreditation schemes and their benefits, positives and negatives of current approaches of individual national projects, centers and regional networks, related data management planning, data policy, etc. Current status of data science: Current status and on-going progress in the field of data science and related applications for individual disciplines and cross-disciplinary synergies. This includes a wide range of topics - databases, data systems, metadata schemes, vocabularies, ontologies, knowledge management, cloud computing, security, storage, repository practices and standards etc. Current status of Inter-disciplinary science: Current status and progress in relating to inter-disciplinary research activities; data sharing, real-time data handling and manipulation, virtual observatories, information and communications technology infrastructure protocols and architectures, sustainability and governance models. Industry-academia collaboration, education and capability building: Best practice on industry-academia collaboration, education and capability building in data science, data-driven knowledge transfer, data publication and journals, scientific awards and recognition schemes. Legacy data, historical data, future on data science: All aspects of data use evolution, legacy data, historical data and the potentials for enhancing scientific and non-scientific research developments through data sharing, citation and publication across disciplines.
Monday 12 November 2018; Registration, Public Lecture, Icebreaker Party Tuesday 13 November 2018; Workshop (day 1), Reception Wednesday 14 November 2018; Workshop (day 2), Tour to NIG and DBCLS, Banquet Thursday 15 November 2018; Workshop (day 3)
Monday 12 November 2018 15:30–17:30 Public Lecture (for general public, in Japanese) 16:00–19:30 Registration 18:30–19:30 Icebreaker party @ Mishima Citizens Cultural Hall
Tuesday 13 November 2018 09:05–09:30 Opening Remarks 09:30–12:30 Session A: International and National data activity 12:30–14:00 Group Photo & Lunch 14:00–17:20 Session B1: Data science and Inter-disciplinary science 17:20–18:20 Poster Session 18:30–20:00 Reception @ Mishima Shoukou-Kaigi-Sho
Wednesday 14 November 2018 09:05–11:20 Session B2: Data science and Inter-disciplinary science 11:20–13:20 Session C: Legacy data, Historical data, Industry-academia collaboration 13:20–14:50 Lunch & Poster 14:50–17:50 Visit to NIG & DBCLS 18:00–19:30 Banquet @ NIG Lecture Hall
Thursday 15 November 2018 09:05–12:30 Session D: Education and capability building 12:30–14:00 Lunch & Poster 14:00–17:20 Session E: Future on data science 17:20–17:30 Closing Remarks
Oral Presentation: General presenters are allocated for 20 minutes including questions and discussion time. Keynote speakers are allocated for 30 minutes including questions and discussion time. A Window lap top PC is available for presentations, but presenters can use their own lap tops if they so wish. Please bring presentation file (ppt, pdf) on USB when using the PC in the conference room.
Poster Presentation: Please prepare a poster of the maximum size within the posting board of 1200 mm (width) x 1800 mm (height). All posters can be posted during three days on 13-15 November 2018, in front of the workshop main hall (1F, Mishima Citizens Cultural Hall). Core Times for Poster presentations are allocated as follows; Tuesday 13 November 17:20–18:20, & Wednesday 14 November 13:50-14:50 (for Sessions A, B, C and E), & Thursday 15 November 13:00-14:00 (for Sessions D)
Mishima Citizens Cultural Hall (“Mishimashimin Bunka Kaikan”) Ichiban-cho 20-5, Mishima, Shizuoka, Japan http://mishima-youyouhall.com/access/ It takes 3 min. southward walk from Mishima JR station to the Citizens Cultural Hall. The Citizens Cultural Hall is surrounded westward by Mishima Municipal Park ( “Rakujyuen”)
From Narita Airport to Mishima JR station (pdf link provided by NIG) From Haneda Airport to Mishima JR station (pdf link provided by NIG) It takes about 2 hours from both the airports to Mishima. Travel support will be provided only to invited speakers.
All presenters are required to prepare their " Extended Abstract " file(s) to be included in the conference "Program and Abstract" booklet. The booklet will to be published online on the conference website and hard copy versions will be distributed to all participants from the registration desk.
The following doc.file contains a set of guidelines for preparing an Extended Abstract submission. Guidance is given on layout, text formatting, figures/tables, and references to ensure that all submissions are clear and consistent. The template is presented exactly as your extended abstract should appear, and it is highly advised to use it to prepare your submission in Word format. It is noticed that the manuscript should not exceed two pages in length, and should fit within the margins given in this template.
Abstract Format: Guidelines_for_Extended_Abstracts_-_IWDS-2018 (please download from the bottom of this conference website)
All the manuscript file(s) of "Extended Abstract" should be emailed to [ iwds2018.admn (at) gmail.com ] by the set deadline of 15 September 2018. A light review by one of the LOC or AC members will be made to confirm typesetting and formatting of the manuscripts for presentations.
Pre-conference registration can be made from here. No registration fee is required to attend the conference. “Pre-conference registration form”
As there are several hotels around Mishima central city area, participants are required to make their own reservations for accommodation.
The LOC is planning to reserve several rooms at discount rates for invited speakers and foreign participants in “Mishima Plaza Hotel” located within 6 minutes walk south of the Mishima Citizens Cultural Hall.
There are many restaurants near the Mishima JR station and the Citizens Cultural Hall. Lunch will not be served at the conference, delegates are advised to use the restaurants within the vicinity of Mishima JR station and the Citizens Cultural Hall.
There will be several social events as follows (public lecture, icebreaker party, banquet, reception, tour to NIG & DBCLS, etc.).
Public Lecture ( 12 Nov. 15:30–17:30). The lecture is planned for the general public and it will be delivered in Japanese at the Mishima Citizens Cultural Hall. Icebreaker party (12 Nov. 18:30-19:30). This will take place at the Mishima Citizens Cultural Hall, at the cost of 1,000 JPY per delegate. Drinks and light snacks will be served. Reception (13 Nov. 18:30-20:00). This will take place at the Mishima Shoukou-Kaigi-Sho (1F TMO Hall), at the cost of 3,000 JPY per delegate. The TMO Hall locates in front of Mishima Citizens Cultural Hall, at the opposite side of their facing road. Tour to NIG & DBCLS (14 Nov. afternoon 14:50–17:50). Details are demonstrated in separated document and map. Banquet (14 Nov. 18:00-19:30). To take place at the the Lecture Hall (2F of NIG restaurant), delegates will be required to pay 3,000 JPY.
All payments for attending the foregoing events must be made at the registration desk of the conference & at the desks for individual events. More detailed information will be included in the "Program and Abstract" booklet and will be announced at the conference venue.
Masanori Arita (National Institute of Genetics, ROIS) Tomoya Baba (Data Science Promotion Section, DS, ROIS) Susumu Goto (Database Center for Life Science, DS, ROIS) Rue Ikeya (University Research Administrator Station, ROIS) Akira Kadokura (Polar Environment Data Science Center, DS, ROIS) * Masaki Kanao (Polar Environment Data Science Center, DS, ROIS) Naoko Kato (Center for Social Data Structuring, DS, ROIS) Asanobu Kitamoto (Center for Open Data in the Humanities, DS, ROIS) Tadahiko Maeda (Center for Social Data Structuring, DS, ROIS) Mari Minowa (Database Center for Life Science, DS, ROIS) Shinya Nakano (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, ROIS) Takeru Nakazato (Database Center for Life Science, DS, ROIS) Koji Nishimura (Polar Environment Data Science Center, DS, ROIS) Hideki Noguchi (Center for Genome Informatics, DS, ROIS) Akihiko Nomizu (Data Science Promotion Section, DS, ROIS) Yoshimasa Tanaka (Polar Environment Data Science Center, DS, ROIS) Hironori Yabuki (Polar Environment Data Science Center, DS, ROIS)
Phillippa Bricher (Australian Antarctic Division) Taco De Bruin (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research) Shannon Christoffersen (University of Calgary) Hiroyuki Enomoto (National Institute of Polar Research, ROIS) Julie Friddell (University of Waterloo) * Asao Fujiyama (DS, ROIS) Øystein Godøy (Norwegian Meteorological Institute) Kazuhiro Hayashi (National Institute of Science and Technology Policy) Heidi J. Imker (Illinois University) Toshihiko Iyemori (Kyoto University) Yuji Kohara (Database Center for Life Science, DS, ROIS) Ellsworth LeDrew (University of Waterloo) Kassim S. Mwitondi (Sheffield Hallam University) Yasuhiro Murayama (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) Tsuneo Odate (National Institute of Polar Research, ROIS) Mark Parsons (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Peter Pulsifer (University of Colorado) Hideaki Takeda (National Institute of Informatics, ROIS) Seiji Tsuboi (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology) Anton Van de Putte (Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Science) Ryozo Yoshino (Center for Social Data Structuring, DS, ROIS)
DS: Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research DBCLS: Database Center for Life Science DDBJ: DNA Data Bank of Japan NIG: National Institute of Genetics ROIS: Research Organization of Information and Systems
Registration & Abstract submission open: 01 July 2018 Fixing the sessions & program: 31 August 2018 Abstract submission deadline: 15 September 2018 Final program open: 25 September 2018 Extended Abstracts Booklet upload: 18 October 2018 Workshop date: 12-15 November 2018
data.ws.loc-2018 (at) nipr.ac.jp
To get "Abstract_booklet", "program", or "Circular letter", please click the word "Download" in lower row.
Mishima Municipal Park RAKUJUEN