2017年度 共同研究募集

2017年度 共同研究募集


これで、平成29年度の共同研究募集「ROIS-DS-Joint 2017」は終了しました。

Because the total amount of applications has reached the budget, recruitment of the joint research meeting program was terminated.
So, we terminated all programs of the "ROIS-DS-Joint 2017".
Thank you very much for your entries.


ROIS-DS-JOINT 2017:2017年度共同研究募集

大学共同利用機関法人情報・システム研究機構 データサイエンス共同利用基盤施設(DS施設)では、全国の研究者に共同利用/共同研究の機会を提供するため、DS施設の研究者と共に実施する共同研究の課題を募集することになりました。




(1)一般共同研究 2017年9月15日(金)(日本時間12:00)必着
(2)共同研究集会 随時募集(予算の範囲内に限る)

ROIS-DS-JOINT 2017:Call for the Collaboration Program at ROIS Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research

Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research (abbreviated as "DS" hereafter) was established in 2016 in ROIS, Research Organization of Information and Systems, Japan.

The major aim of "DS" is to conduct collaboration-based research projects on the subjects of data-driven/oriented sciences (data science) with the variety of university researchers. Currently, "DS" consists of five centers and one project, and we are pleased very much to announce that applications for Joint Research Program, ROIS-DS-JOINT 2017 for the F.Y. 2017, is open to the wide range of researchers including ones from foreign universities/non-profit institutes.
(To see the "DS centers", click here.)

Application guide and application forms

 To get "application guide and application forms", please click the word "Download" under "ROIS-DS-JOINT2017_English" in lower row.


Applications have to be received no later than 12:00 hr (Japan Standard Time) on
 15th, Sep., 2017 to the joint research program
※15th Oct., 15th Nov., 15th Dec., 2017 to the joint research meeting program (Within the budget remaining)

